Kuta Emergency encompasses two Centres of Excellence: the 24h Accident & Emergency Centre and 24h Medical Centre.

The 24 hour Medical Centre provides family medicine program, consultation, on call doctor and nurse consultation to hotels, villas and houses and medical check up. 

Kuta Emergency stands at the forefront of quick and responsive medical assistance that it therefore provides first response emergency motorbike thanks to our ambulances always ready to arrive at the scene of the crash.

A comprehensive list of facilities and services provided in Kuta Emergency include:

•  Search and Rescue teams which can be contacted by our emergency line and whatsapp emergency number active 24 hours a day.

•   Fully equipped ambulances are standby 24 hours a day, supplied with GPS units and radios allowing the doctor and nurse on 

     board direct contact to Kuta Emergency Centre.

•   The ER centre is prepared with the latest technology and specifically trained medical team.

•   First response emergency team with motorbike for quick and efficient assistance in areas where ambulances are difficult to arrive.

•   A fully equipped emergency room ready for any urgent medical situation.

•   Medical evacuation should evacuation be necessary to Bali or Singapore.

•  Comfortable and private consultation rooms.

•  Treatment rooms for minor surgery and wound treatments.

•  Pathology laboratory which is able to perform an extensive range of tests, from routine blood examinations to cultures and

    sensitivity testing.

•  Radiology department: X-Ray service.

•  Ward rooms with hotel standard facilities: provide soothing views and featuring personal remote and nursing assistant.